Your soul signed a karmic contract before you got here… Are you living up to the terms and conditions?
Spoiler alert: Of course you are! Even when sh*t hits the fan or you experience a reroute, you are always operating on divine time. When we use the indicators in our birth chart, everything becomes become streamlined; we know what to watch out for, where to lean in, what to delegate.
That is the beauty of astrology. It’s not some pre-destined outcome that you have zero say in. It’s a blueprint that helps you discover soulful sovereignty.
One placement in particular can operate as a compass towards self-actualization. Chances are, you already know what this sign is!
It’s the Ascendant, also known as Rising sign (or abbreviated as AC/ASC.)
Ever wondered why it’s called that? The highroad qualities of that sign are what you came here to “ascend“ and “rise“ into. Neat, huh?
This helps explain why some people don’t ‘feel like’ their rising sign yet. They are still learning the karma, qualities, and permission slips that come with the ascension process. Everyone is different. There’s no right or wrong process, or turnaround time to know definitively when this ascension has taken place.
For me as an Aries rising, it’s honestly a daily practice. When I was younger, conflict made me extremely uncomfortable. I found it difficult to advocate for myself, to see what needed to be said, and would oscillate between giving my power away or coming off too strong.
Cultivating the inner authority of being an Aries rising has taken time. It is something I strive towards daily. I don’t believe there will ever come a day where we are completely over the hump with everything in our chart.
What are the highroad qualities of your Ascendant? Can you reflect on a time in your life when that was uncomfortable? Or perhaps can you create compassion for yourself if it still is? Comment below!
To the moon and back (pun intended),
Ocean @witchykid