Not all is as it seems today.
Sagittarius is the honesty required to make big, radical changes. A Full Moon is ‘go big or go home’ energy. Put these together, and we’re left skirting the edge between self-empowerment and self-destruction.
The underbelly of this Full Moon (exact at 7:52am EST on June 14, 2022):
The effervescence of Sagittarius is dampened by tension — the parts of the heavens that crave flexibility and change are barking at each other for your attention today. Be mindful of which urges you entertain, in this energetic tug-of-war.
We run the risk of restlessness or disillusion if we’re not completely honest about what we want, and what needs to change. You might feel an itch to yank the ripcord at the slightest inconvenience. A way out at any cost; a change of scene no matter how pricey the ticket. On the precipice of a bombshell conversation or life overhaul, sit with this question today:
“By doing _____, am I addressing the root cause, or opting for the quick fix?” Give an objective, honest answer you’d tell to a close friend.
Whatever measures you’re considering, first explore where you lost the joy for that plan, relationship, job, or opportunity. Can you find the joy again?
Full Moon directive: Making small, necessary changes isn’t the sexiest answer, but it is the most productive path forward with the least amount of damage control in the future.
What can you do today, to be of service to yourself a year from now?
(To play the devil’s advocate to my own scenario, there are some cases where you have to burn the whole thing down anyway.)
I trust you in your own infinite wisdom to discern the difference, and I’m proud of you for doing whatever you need to do next. I’m always here if you want to talk it over.
To the moon and back (pun intended),